May 27, 2022
Photography and words by Antonis Giakoumakis
"If you bend over to your fellow human beings in their indifferent eyes will be written your loneliness is hopeless, total."
Katerina Angelaki-Rook (Loneliness)
Wandering around the corners of Greece, I unconsciously captured with my lens mainly women's looks.
I'm not looking to find the "folklore", the kerchief, but the look. This is what attracts me and I want to capture it with my lens.
The look of the grandmothers so expressive to give, sometimes, a sweetness to their dug face.
Women's looks, glances.
From open windows, from half-open doors, there on the street. Observers of life.
Faces gloomy, exploratory, indifferent, puzzled.
Women's looks tired but also smiling.
After the home care, for a walk, for a visit to the neighbour, for weggera at home.
The need for extroversion brings them to the fore, as does the need for work from the field to the bazaar.
Familiar images that I have relived in the past, where I was born. If possible I would like to go back in time to meet with human eyes again, in humble places… churches, abandoned villages, deserted streets…
They are my experiences and my obsessions!
Women's glances.
Unexpected scene, in a street theater without spectators and applause.
Everyday life.
Faces clearly cut off from urban interference. They calm my soul.
The journey will continue and you know, somewhere on the road I might meet the look of a grandmother .. one mother!!

Antonis Giakoumakis is a photographer based in Chalandri, Attica. Working in IT for 37 years, Antonis has been systematically photographing since 2012. Photography for Antonis is all the moments that he does not want to forget - "the place where I am, I move, I listen and I observe." This inadvertently created a new reality or better consciousness that Antonis felt the need to share with others, with the expectation of understanding. To him, the photo is not objective, it is a constant reminder that the world is not what we all see. A power that lies in the symmetry, purity and austerity of Antonis' photography. If through its frame or a part of it, be created an atmosphere, a spark, maybe then it will urge the viewer to make their own stories.

The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed in the text belong solely to the author/s, and are not necessarily shared by The Pictorial List and the team.