February 27, 2020
Photography by John St.
Interview by Melanie Meggs
Meet John, an incredibly talented photographer from South Australia who fell in love with the art of capturing moments through his lens. John was born in South Shields, a town in the north-east of England. He migrated with his family to Australia and now resides with his wife in Adelaide, the capital city of South Australia. He considers himself fortunate to live in such a wonderful country.
John's passion for photography started with his love for good coffee, which he would capture with his mobile phone. This passion quickly grew, and John found himself exploring the beauty of architecture in and around Adelaide before discovering his true passion for street photography. John's work has been exhibited in a solo exhibition and several group shows, and he has been recognized for his talent with multiple photography awards. His dedication to street photography has opened up new doors and opportunities that he never thought possible. Living in such a wonderful country, John considers himself fortunate to be able to capture and share the beauty of Australia through his lens.

"I’ve finally figured out what’s wrong with photography. It’s a one-eyed man looking through a little ‘ole. Now, how much reality can there be in that?"
David Hockney
THE PICTORIAL LIST: Hello John, when did you first become interested in photography?
JOHN ST.: I’ve always been interested in taking pictures but it was only whenever we went on holiday or for that 'special occasion'. But June 2018 is when the interest became a passion.
TPL: Where do you find your inspiration?
JS: My inspiration comes from a number of sources. Mainly from the beauty of everyday things, light and shadow, other famous photographers and many not so famous photographers that I follow on Instagram and Facebook.
TPL: Do you have any favourite artists or photographers you would like to share with us, and the reason for their significance?
JS: Fan Ho, Garry Winogrand, Saul Leiter, Trent Parke, Elliott Erwitt, and Sean Tucker
Some because of how I see the world and others because of their immense ability to see it differently.
TPL: Has your style of photographing changed since you first started?
JS: Yes, I started by taking pictures of coffee with my phone and images of buildings with no human elements in the frame! So I would certainly say that my style has changed and developed since I first started.
TPL: Where is your favourite place to shoot?
JS: Anywhere and everywhere and at any given time of the day or night. If I have my camera with me then that’s the time to shoot. So pretty much all of the time as I have my camera with me a lot!
Photography has taken me down a road that I never knew was there, and for that I’m truly grateful.

TPL: What characteristics do you think you need to become a better photographer? What’s your tips ?
JS: Passion/Patience/Tenacity/Eye/Creativity/Belief in yourself...but most of all have your camera with you all of the time. All the technical skills will come from taking shots or be learned…YouTube is your friend!
TPL: Have you ever been involved in the artistic world before photography?
JS: No. If you were to ask me 20 months ago if I was artistic or creative then I would have said No Way Jose! It’s not that I didn’t want to be but more to do with not knowing where to look. Thankfully photography has taken me down a road that I never knew was there and for that I’m truly grateful.
TPL: Do you think equipment is important in achieving your vision in your photography? What would you say to someone just starting out?
TPL: Are there any special projects you are currently working on that you would like to let everyone know about?
1. I was honoured to have been asked to become a member of the Pictorial List
2. I’ve just been accepted to be the South Australian Rep for Fuji X Aus + Admin for their FB page
3. I’m currently one of the Admin’s for the Henri Cartier Bresson FB group
4. I started a small group for Adelaide creatives to come together to initially give street photography a go but this has now grown so that other photographers can share their skills with participating members within the group should they wish to learn.
5. Was just asked to become a member of the Street Avengers Collective
6. Co-founder of Streetlife Podcast
TPL: "When I am not out photographing, I (like to)…
JS: Drink coffee and write reviews 😉"