March 10, 2020
Photography by Ingrid Clauwaert
Interview by Bill Lacey
Introducing Ingrid Clauwaert, a Belgian photographer with an exceptional talent for capturing mood in her work. Ingrid fully embraces each moment while exploring with her camera. With a keen sense of light, she is fueled by her unwavering passion and spontaneity, constantly seeking out new and groundbreaking viewpoints. Ingrid's unwavering dedication to her crafts are a testament to the power of pursuing one's passions.
Her rich musical background includes violin, solfège, and harmony studies at the prestigious Bruges Conservatory, as well as a degree in psychology from the University of Gent. Ingrid has made her mark in a variety of musical genres, from classical orchestras to jazz, rock, and house bands. She currently resides in The Netherlands and serves as a public relations manager for an international company.
Ingrid discovered her passion for photography at a young age, using an analog Minolta camera and learning the art of black-and-white photo printing in a traditional dark room. Though her music career temporarily took center stage, she recently reignited her passion for photography. Starting with her phone and quickly moving onto a digital camera, she now captures the essence of black-and-white street photography with renewed fervor.
With an unwavering passion for photography, she specialises in capturing the essence of a single person through her masterful use of lighting, lines, graphics, and shadows, creating a sense of depth that is truly breathtaking. Her curiosity leads her to explore train stations, stairs, and bridges, uncovering the beauty hidden within them. But what truly sets her apart is her ability to take moody cinematic shots in foggy scenes, adding an extra layer of intrigue to every photo she captures. Every picture Ingrid takes tells a compelling story, leaving you mesmerized and yearning for more.

The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper. - W.B Yeats
“I love to wander around when there is fog. I get up early, sometimes around 5am or 6am to achieve the best mood.”
THE PICTORIAL LIST: Hello Ingrid, where do you find your inspiration?
INGRID CLAUWAERT: I buy photography books, view accounts of fantastic photographers in different styles on Instagram so I can always be triggered to try something new.
TPL: Has your style of photographing changed since you first started?
IC: Certainly, and it is still evolving! I started off with nature photography and now I focus mainly to fine art, always in search for that one human element framed into the light. Still I love different styles. And as I am still learning I try out other styles when I see an inspiring photo.
TPL: Where is your favourite place(s) to photograph?
IC: Most of the time I search for places where I can shoot stairs or train stations as I have a fascination for them. One of my favourite cities is Lisbon but I really love London too. So much to discover yet. And I love to walk around randomly and click whatever I feel in that moment.
TPL: Do you have any favourite artists or photographers you would like to share with us?
IC: Harry Callahan, Fan Ho, Mark Fearnley, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Trent Parke, Mo Barzegar, and Sean Tucker.
TPL: Do you think equipment is important in achieving your vision in your photography? What would you say to someone just starting out?
IC: I started with an iPhone 6, after 5 months I bought a Panasonic Lumix GX80 with a 14-42mm lens, which I am very happy with. Maybe in the future I will buy another lens as I will continue to evolve. I would say to someone just starting: it is not the gear that makes the photographer, it is the passion and eye you need the most.
So much to discover yet. I love to walk around randomly and click whatever I feel in that moment.

TPL: What characteristics do you think you need to become a better photographer?
IC: Try things out, get inspired, be passionate, don’t give up and go out and feel the moment!
TPL: Are there any special projects you are currently working on that you would like to let everyone know about?
IC: I am working on my own website, want to organize a little expo and will soon propose my art for sale.
TPL: “When I am not out photographing, I (like to)…
IC: Be composing, singing, painting, cooking difficult dishes or baking the most complicated cakes and reading books. I really need to be creative and challenged.”