Born in France, I began my apprenticeship by practicing drawing, and then spontaneously took up photography in 2020 with a Gx9 in my hands. I then embarked on long solitary walks, camera around my neck, in the streets of Lyon where I live, or during trips to Korea. As the photos developed, my destiny as a street photographer inevitably unfolded. Working in black and white allows me to rise above the surface of the world, to simplify my view. I seek to capture the dazzlingness of what is, of what lies dormant in everyone. Fascinated by faces, gestures and scenes, my images transform reality into an emotionally powerful and complex photographic narrative, giving voice to the secret world of the individual. I am a photographer of solitude, wandering, and the passage of time. Always the same sensation, where pleasure and pain mix, pushes me to press the trigger.