I first picked up a camera in high school, capturing whatever caught my eye. At the same time, I encountered Robert Frank's The Americans, a book that shifted how I saw the world. Every corner, every face became a potential photograph, and I never left the house without my camera. This period marked the beginning of what became an obsession with documenting the streets around me, a visual portfolio that would eventually lead me to art school.
The beauty of everyday life has long been the heart of street photography, and for me, it became my creative wellspring. From bustling sidewalks to subway cars, I found inspiration in the mundane, developing a signature style rooted in the streets of my city. My early influences came from classics like Frank’s The Americans, Eggleston’s The Democratic Forest, and Davidson’s Los Angeles 1964. Over the years, I've learned the importance of patience in street photography. It’s a slow, deliberate process where the best results take time to reveal themselves.
Looking back at the past decade, I recognize how deeply photography has shaped my life. I feel grateful to pursue my passion for visual storytelling every day, capturing moments that might otherwise go unnoticed.