be inspired
I am a 37 year old dreamer, born and raised in an artsy family in the northern part of Romania, where my love for landscaping and passion to create things with my own hands have always been nurtured and encouraged by my parents. I have been living and working in London for the past ten years now. I have been nursing fantasies about photo shooting art since I was a young boy. Back home, I used to watch my father painting and create his amazing drawings on canvas. I first dreamt of becoming an artist, just like my father...it never happened, I felt I was never as good as he was. I pay homage to his talent and artistic spirit through my work today. I started releasing my creative flows in photography about nine years ago. Educated in machinery, with a sense for exact sciences and geometry of things in life, I feel that I can capture specific emotions when the right angle of colour and light it's applied. The black-and-white photography segment is the one niche that I best identity myself with...with a bit of an 'eternal snapshot' twist. I like capturing the quintessence of someone's inner beauty and nostalgia. I have been awarded the first place in the international photography contest by Cityscape BW and my photographs frequently appear in Monopix, Eyephoto and Photoshop Magazine. My camera is my best companion on the streets of London and I never miss an opportunity to capture the special flavour of an after-rain street landscape or the unspoken charm of a surprising sunset. People say that one photo means more than a 1,000 words...I like saying that beauty in photography cannot be limited by words.